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Everton’s Donald J. Trump Fire Station

Donald J Trump Fire Station

If you happen to visit Everton after reading our story about the corn cob pipe factory that once was there, you’ll probably run across another interesting sight that caught the attention of Theresa and I: the Donald J. Trump Fire Station. Dedicated on April 13, 2024, this fire station is more than just a practical facility; it’s a testament to the generosity of a man who never forgot where he came from.

Leon Trammell, a 91-year-old businessman who spent his childhood in Everton, made the fire station possible. Though he now resides in Florida, Trammell has always held a special place in his heart for his hometown. His donation of the fire station, a two-bay metal building that the town desperately needed, was a gift of immense value to this small community.

But there was one catch: the station had to be named after former President Donald J. Trump. Trammell, who has done business across the United States and in 57 other countries, made it clear that his admiration for Trump’s presidency drove his decision. “I think he was one hell of a president,” Trammell said, though he also acknowledged, “I don’t like him as a man. He’s all ego. But in my opinion, he did one hell of a job.”

For the people of Everton, the decision to accept Trammell’s terms was probably an easy one. The new fire station, emblazoned with the words “Donald J. Trump Fire Station” in big letters across the front, stands as a symbol of both the town’s resilience and the power of giving back.

If you find yourself in Boone County, consider taking a detour to visit Everton. The fire station is more than just a building; it’s a piece of the town’s history, a tribute to one man’s dedication to his roots, and a unique example of how even the smallest towns can make a big impact. Everton may be small, but it has stories like this that are sure to draw attention from near and far.

Picture of Keith Sutton

Keith Sutton

Keith “Catfish” Sutton of Alexander, Arkansas, is one of the country’s best-known outdoor
journalists. His stories and photographs about fishing, hunting, wildlife and conservation have
been read by millions in hundreds of books, magazines, newspapers and websites. He and his
wife Theresa own C&C Outdoor Productions Inc., an Arkansas-based writing, photography,
lecturing and editorial service.

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