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“Fishing Arkansas” Books Make Great Gifts

Fishing Arkansas Cover

It’s not too early to start buying Christmas gifts and putting them away for family and friends. One that would be ideal for anyone who loves the Arkansas outdoors is Keith’s book, “Fishing Arkansas: A Year-Round Guide to Angling Adventures in the Natural State.” With 288 pages, including 44 big full-color photographs, this 6”x9” softcover guide was first published in September 2000 by the University of Arkansas Press. We recently got them to do another short press run so we could keep it stock.

Many angling guides tell you the best lakes and streams to fish, and when fishing is likely to be best. Some focus on the types of fish you’re likely to catch, and the tactics and tackle that catch them. Others capture the drama and excitement of the fishing experience. “Fishing Arkansas” brings all these facets together in one comprehensive, fun-to-read guide.

Divided into 12 sections describing the best fishing opportunities each month of the year, “Fishing Arkansas” includes:

  • Details on where to find and how to catch 42 species of Arkansas fish, including highly popular fishes such as largemouth bass, catfish, crappie and trout, and lesser-known but still fun-to-catch species such as paddlefish, skipjacks, bowfins and gar.
  • Seasonal fishing information for almost 100 lakes and more than 35 rivers and streams.
  • Hundreds of valuable fishing tips gleaned from decades of on-the-water experience and interviews with dozens of guides, biologists and expert anglers.
  • A handy guide to additional sources of information about Arkansas fishing.
  • Biology, history, travel, adventure, fine writing—there’s something here for everyone who enjoys reading about the great outdoors.

Each book is $24.95 plus shipping, and you can order your autographed copies right here on our website. Four of Keith’s other books are also available.

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Picture of Keith Sutton

Keith Sutton

Keith “Catfish” Sutton of Alexander, Arkansas, is one of the country’s best-known outdoor
journalists. His stories and photographs about fishing, hunting, wildlife and conservation have
been read by millions in hundreds of books, magazines, newspapers and websites. He and his
wife Theresa own C&C Outdoor Productions Inc., an Arkansas-based writing, photography,
lecturing and editorial service.

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