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Catching Catfish

The Ultimate Guide: Blues, Flatheads, Channels
192 Pages, Softcover
Published: March 2000

This small paperback (5.5″ x 8.5″) is perfect to stow in your tacklebox, in the glovebox of your
truck or in your camping gear, where it’s handy to read when you want it most. Includes chapters

  • Understanding Catfish
  • Where to Find Catfish
  • Equipment for Catching Catfish
  • Catfishing Techniques
  • Special Situations
  • Cleaning & Cooking Catfish

Learn about all types of North American catfish, including blues, flatheads, channel cats,
bullheads, white cats and more. Unravel the secrets of the catfish’s amazing sensory abilities.
Discover how to fish in rivers, man-made lakes, oxbow lakes and ponds. Find out the best
natural and commercial baits, and the type of tackle that works best for each fishing situation.
Learn about still-fishing, drift-fishing, trotlining, jug fishing, limblining and noodling. Find the
best means for catching catfish in thick cover, fluctuating water levels, clear water, cold water
and deep water. And sample some of the best catfish recipes ever invented.

This book is now out of print and very rare.


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