DownHome Arkansas

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What's New?

  • Check out the blog post Keith recently wrote for and learn “How to Fillet & Cook Fish Quickly and Easily.” Three excellent recipes are included.
  • Keith did a radio show interview on the America Outdoors Radio Podcast with host John Kruse on Aug. 10 where he shares a bit about Keith and Theresa’s DownHome Arkansas and their blog. Click here to listen to it. His interview starts at about minute 22:00. 
  • We’re pleased to announce that we just received 20 copies each of Keith’s books, “Hunting Arkansas” and “Fishing Arkansas,” from the University of Arkansas Press in Fayetteville. Both books have become hard to find in recent years, but autographed copies of both are available for purchase now through our new website. Shop here for these and other titles while we still have them in stock.
  • The folks at Game & Fish frequently post Keith’s articles on their website. To check out one of his latest stories there (Catfish Capitals: Big-Fish Hotspots in the South), click here.
  • Those of you who know Keith know that every now and then he’s going to brag on some of the fish he’s caught. This month is no exception. Fishing on the Mississippi River near Helena on July 13 with David Magness of Cat’n Aroun’ Guide Service, he and our son Jared both were fortunate enough to catch their personal best blue cats. Jared’s weighed 27 pounds and Keith’s weighed 60. Both fish were released alive and healthy so some other lucky angler might enjoy the experience of catching them, too. Contact David to book your own adventure on the Father of Waters. 
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